So you’re about to record your first short film…

I recently saw a post on a sound for film making forum was asking advice for a first-time recordist on a short film, which spurred me to share a little contribution here for the fresh-ears that are starting out


You will be rushed, stay calm, slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

Rehearsals are paramount, you have to make it before you can break it, if they don’t do rehearsals before a take & you break the frame/miss a line, reject any frustration pointed at you. Remember this phrase “that’s what rehearsals are for”.

Have a chair on standby to sit whenever possible, humans weren’t designed to have sound kit dangling off them for 12 hours a day.

You’re only 1 person, & as such can only work in a linear fashion, in only one point in time & space, decline anyone making you feel like you should be in two places at once.

Be nice & polite to everyone.

Don’t be a wet flannel or be a push over. Remember, you can be strong & nice at the same time, it comes with being cool & professional.

Never raise your voice.

Assert early on the difference between “sound rolling” & “sound set”, so all departments know you’re a part of the process, & to rely on your part of the process.

Lastly, it’s not a sound problem, it’s a location problem.

May the red lights be with you.

Signed: One of many Simons.


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